Divorce Day and how to get through it

Uncategorized Jan 04, 2022

Tuesday 4th January 2022 - the Christmas decs are packed away for another year, you’re back at work, the kids have returned to school and it’s back to earth with a bump. January can be a struggle for all of us – emotionally and financially. And for couples who have been feeling the strain within their relationship, today is the day that many decide to call it a day and start legal proceedings to end their marriage.

Why? The pressure of delivering the perfect Christmas has finally lifted. The sheer relief that it’s over. And the terrifying thought of a whole new year stretching out before us. These thoughts are what trigger more than 40,000 people to type the word ‘divorce’ into Google this month, why Relate are bombarded with a 24% increase in calls to their helpline in the month of January and why many lawyers will return to work today and be run off their feet.

If your marriage has been in crisis and Christmas has brought tensions to a head, you’re not alone. 1 in 5 of us living in the UK are in a ‘distressed relationship’ and 42% of marriages end in divorce.

But listen, as depressing as this sounds, it’s not all doom and gloom. If you’ve made the decision to end your marriage – that year stretching out in front of you doesn’t have to be the worst of your life. Yes, it’s going to be tough, but it’s also 365 days in which you can make yourself truly happy.

As a breakup and divorce coach, there is lots of advice I could share. I want to put my arms around you and tell you everything I know! Reassure you that you’re going to get through this and become happy and strong. Because you really will. But the single most important thing I want you to know on Divorce Day is this…

…you cannot do this alone.

And just like you need a great lawyer, friends, family and financial advice, you NEED a coach to provide step by step strategies to help you move forward positively and get clarity on what you want your future to look like. I know that I would have got over my own divorce a lot quicker if I’d had access to a coach.

Well, of course I would say that wouldn’t I? But please believe me when I say, I love my job and I don’t do it for any other reason than to help women just like you. Well-intentioned family members, well-meaning friends and even some caring lawyers out there – they want the best for you. But by choosing to work with a specialist coach – early on, means that you GET the best for you.

Make today, 4th January 2022, the day you take control of your happiness. I’m here if you’d like me to help you.


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