There’s been a staggering increase in the number divorce inquiries around the world since the first lockdown last year. UK family law firms have reported an increase of more than 40% since last March.
There’s no denying that lockdown has been challenging for everyone. It’s proved to be ‘make or break’ for many relationships. For some couples, the opportunity to spend more quality time together has been welcomed and it has helped them to reconnect and brought them closer together. For other couples however, any issues they may have had before lockdown, have only been exacerbated by being forced together 24/7. Add to that financial pressures such as redundancy or furlough (a word most of us had never heard of before last year), working at home whilst home-schooling the kids, a lack of personal space at home and no outlet to release the tension by meeting up with friends, and it’s not surprising that many couples have decided to call time on their relationship.
Ending a long-term relationship is a traumatic and stressful event in anyone’s life, second only to the death of a loved one. If you are thinking about ending your relationship, my advice would be this - make sure that you are completely confident in your decision and have no doubts before you put the wheels in motion. The last 13 months have been unprecedented and a huge challenge for all of us. Let things settle down and reset before you take any action.
Before you make the final decision to end your relationship, here are 8 tips to consider:
Making the decision to end a marriage or a long-term relationship is not something to be taken lightly, especially given the additional stresses of the last 13 months. In 2014 the Daily Mail surveyed 2000 divorced men and women and a shocking 50% of them said they regretted their decision to divorce. More recent studies confirm that the number is between 32% and 50% and that the people interviewed wished they'd worked harder at their marriage and stayed married. Make sure you do everything possible to make your relationship work before you decide to leave, so that if you do leave, you can do so with no regrets and not become one of the sad statistics above.
If you’re going through a divorce at the moment and struggling to cope you can download my free gift to you – 10 Simple Secrets to Let Go of Heartbreak & Start Moving on With Your Life After Your Divorce.
I'd also love to invite you to join my free Facebook group – The Breakup and Divorce Lounge. It’s a community of women all in the same situation who can support and encourage each other in a safe and non-judgemental space.
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